
writing-seriesIt’s different, I’ll say that. I’m not even sure I’m doing it right. But that hurdle has never stopped me before, so I’ll keep on writing and work out the kinks later.

What made me think about this new pursuit was David Gaughran’s blog post, Fighting With Both Hands, and his recent soul search to better focus his writing. As always, I enjoyed David’s sharing, his willingness to bare his soul to his faithful readership. I like that. I, too, can be quite transparent and rarely have anything so private I wouldn’t talk about it.

But what really interested me was his decision, or the reasons behind it, to start working on a series. I found it encouraging. Even without his in-depth research and brilliant deductions, I came to this same decision sometime last year when I started on the next Brit Darby venture. A single idea quickly morphed into multiple books, at least a trilogy, perhaps more.

David states that many of the authors who have found success self-publishing did so from writing a series of novels. Good to know there are facts to back up my decision that, at the time, was based purely on instinct.

As you all know, I love my movies and TV, most of which are series. Once the characters and story suck you in, you are left Jonesing for the next season, and the next. It becomes an addiction. So it makes sense that a series of books could produce the same effect, leaving readers wanting more.

I had also noticed many of Brit Darby’s reviewers wanted to read more based on the characters created in a particular novel. And when I started working on this new book, it felt like there was more to the story than just a single novel could hold.

This is an interesting experiment, and we shall see if it works. B has yet to weigh in on the idea, so things may change once she digs in. One thing I have learned over the years is that writers must be flexible and, more often than not, stories can take a different path than we may have envisioned in the beginning.

Wish me luck as I venture forth into shiny new territory.
